
Showing posts from April, 2005

What color is your Aura?

Yellow Aura? Yellow's are very child-like and playful. They are imaginative, joyous and full of laughter. They live for enjoyment and creativity. Nothing is dull to a Yellow. They love to be creative and work with their hands. Yellows would make great therapists and doctors. They have a fear of relationships and commitment. They are very sociable people and are the life of the party. They can be quite, easy going though. They are very spontaneous but sometimes need to be settle down.
Why does people can’t be contented for what they have? If there is a latest cellphone they’ll buy it even they can’t afford to have expensive cellphone. Then when a brandnew one just got out they will change immediately. So that they can be in the circle of "In people". Do you think that if you got everything you want, your happy with that thing? I say Material things are "JUST" Things, we can get it anytime, anywhere… But those things are not important. Have you think what’s important to you than those expensive things you have right now? I do… These past few days I have thought of everything. I can see that I have the things that I want before. The things that I want right now and the things that I can be in the circle of "IN people". But there is something missing, that until now I can’t get. And I just laugh cause Money can’t buy everything at all. Some people said I change a lot, But for me I’m still me just fulfilling the needs that I w


EarthQuake again. Always Earthquake in different parts of Japan. Building that collapsed, Houses that collapsed, Slandslide, People being wounded, Dying… Its always on the News. I think i will get a nervous break down when i experience another earthquake this week. God pls. let me sleep this week. Im so tired and almost no sleep because of the earthquake. Every hour we feel earthquakes. So Scary. And next week my mom is going out of town I’m the one who was assign to do everything here. Especially My siblings school Needs, like their lunch and clothes,etc… So pls let me rest even just a bit.

Name Analysis

Melanie Kaethleen: You want to be productive and feel useful, and enjoy helping solve problems. You like to be busy and not waste time. You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You have a diplomatic flair to your nature. Equality and fairness are important to you. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You can handle details well. You have a methodical mind. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood. You have good recuperative abilities. You are determined. You have a need to be up front. Your privacy is important to you. You have a rich inner life. You work hard to achieve material success through your own efforts. You must learn the lessons of self-worth; learn to love yourself before you can love others. You must learn to give ‘wise’ service and not be a martyr. gaugi: You


When I knew that our relationship is getting deeper I also knew my feelings are growing When you knew how i felt towards you I really regret it It doesn’t make sense Now that I’m deeply in love with you It’s hard to remove it It’s like you don’t appreciate how I feel Or maybe I’m just nothing to you Deep in my soul You’re there… You will always be Even you ignore my feelings I will feel it forever Even I’d promise that there is no weird feelings It will be the same It will always be.

I wish you were here

I wish you were here I’m missing you like hell Wish you were here I miss your smile I miss your eyes I miss everything about you Wish you were here The first time I saw you I knew I felt something Now that I told you Wish you were here besides me


Whoaa….. I just dream a volcano errupting. Weird, so weird…. And do you know what does it mean??? If you just dream a volcano you are in danger of losing a close friend. I hate to lost a close friend… I dont like.. I hate it.. and I’m sure I’ll feel so terrible especiallly now.. I need some old friends….


  Spend all my time waiting for that second chance For a break that would make it okay But still…… No chance You’re my friend, My companion Through good times and bad You’re my friend and buddy Through happiness and sadness It doesn’t make difference from before It’s easier to believe In this sweet madness Oh this glorious sadness That brings me to my knees


Wishes, wishes Even wishes doesn’t come true everytime Even I’m tired of wishing and waiting I will still make a wish on my special day Maybe this time God will make it true I wish…. "I wish that someday all my love ones will appreciate all i have done and be proud of me even just once." Simple but very meaningful to me

Birthday poem for myself

Another year has past The time goes by so fast There’s so much more to see And there is so much more to remember The approaching times will bring Such Joy that will make us all remember Another year, another life Treasure the very best gift that God gave you Cherish every greeting that you receive Appreciate every gift you receive ‘Cause they all came from the heart of your loveones Set aside the fear And together we will enjoy the new year that God gave you