
Showing posts from January, 2010

Food to eat while BreastFeeding

Try to include as many types of fresh, healthy food as possible. Make sure your plate is always balanced with enough protein, carbohydrates and fats. It takes energy to produce milk and if you don’t eat enough calories, you might experience feelings of tiredness. Eggs, beans and lean meat are good sources of protein. You should also fill up on cold water fish like salmon, lake trout, shrimp, Pollack and scallops because they provide omega 3 fatty acids as well necessary for eye development. Carbohydrates should be as complex as possible and great sources are whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Fat should be the healthy kind, like that you get from olive oil, avocados and nuts. Try to include Turkey, chicken, sardines, potatoes, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, soybeans and flax seeds because this contain high choline content. Choline is a chemical that is present in breast milk and assists in memory development. It is also known to help the liver work properly, which

What to avoid when Breastfeeding?

Nicotine -- many of the toxic substances in tobacco enter the bloodstream and eventually your milk Alcohol --  Alcohol does find its way into your breast milk, though the amount your baby gets is considerably less than the amount you drink.  Caffeine -- One or two cups of caffeinated coffee, tea, or cola a day won't affect your baby or you. Too many cups could make one or both of you jittery, irritable, and sleepless. After every cup of coffee, wait at least 2-3 hours for your body to eliminate them before breastfeeding. Herbs -- Herbs are natural that they aren't always safe. They can be just as powerful as some drugs Chemicals - many of the substances that are added to your food will be added, through you, to your baby's body. Foods with unhealthy Fats -  these are goods that are processed or store-baked which contain large amounts of saturated and trans fats. Examples are fast food, deep fried food, sausages, bologna, bacon, some cheeses, cake, doughnuts, cook

Breastfeed versus Bottle-Feeder

Here are some advantage and disadvantage of breastfeed and bottle-feeder Breastfeed Formula Wherever you are, all the nourishment your baby needs is always ready and waiting A nursing mother may worry that her newborn isn't getting enough to eat The nursing mother's wardrobe is not as limited as it was when she was pregnant A breastfeeding mother has to limit her choice of contraception to those methods that are safe during lactation. Mother can't have their diet, because of calories milk production requires. Nursing mother may receive curious glances when she choose to breastfeed in public For some breastfeeding women, a vagina left dry by the hormonal changes of lactation, teamed with sore nipples and leaky breasts, can make lovemaking a challenge. Breast milk is free No bottles to buy, formula or nipples Breastmilk contains all the nutrition an infant needs in the necessary amounts and in forms readily absorbed by the body. The composition of breastmi

Facts about Breastfeeding

IT'S CUSTOM MADE breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients that are not found in cow's milk and that can't be synthesized in the laboratory. The composition of breast milk changes constantly to meet a baby's ever changing needs It's different in the morning than it is in the late afternoon. It's different at the beginning of a feeling than at the end It's different the first month than the seventh It's different for a premature baby than for a term baby. The nutrients in breast milk are matched to an infant's needs and his or her ability to handle them. For example, breast milk contain less sodium than cow's milk formula, making it easier for a baby's kidney to handle By giving only beeastmilk and no other liquid to the baby for the first six months. Breastmilk has ll the other and nutrients that the baby needs for the first six months after which the baby shouldbe given appropriate complementary foods while continuing breast

Helpful Breastfeeding Tips

Sit in a comfortable chair, with good support for your back and arms Make sure your baby is positioned so he squarely faces the breast and is sucking properly and not biting Do not smoke, consume alcohol or use illegal drugs, as all contain substances. That can interfere with let-down, affect the content of breast milk, and be harmful to the baby. Check with your obstetrician or pediatrician about any prescription or non-prescription drugs you may be taking. If your household is very busy, find a quiet corner or room where you won't be disturbed during feedings

Computer Terms

Backspace Key key that erases the word on the left side of the insertion point. Computer  is a useful device that needs electricity to run. It is an electronic device. Cursor  it is a blinking vertical line that tells that one can start typing a text. Delete Key  is the key that erases the words on the right side of the insertion point. Insert Mode  means that text added to a document without overwriting anything else. Language Bar is a bar used for speech and handwriting recognition. You can also find the handwriting button in this bar. Microsoft Word is a word processor that allows one quickly creates simple documents. XP  version is also known as MS Word version in 2002