
Showing posts from January, 2014

Ingredients of Love

What do you feel when you love someone? If distilled down to its core components, what would those be? Yes, love is an emotion, a feeling, a wanting, and a “being”. We know all that and we know that it feels great to be love and to love. But what specific feelings, wanting or beings are present when we feel love? Here are some ingredients for you to know: Love is accepting Acceptance is labeling someone as “okay” and having no particular desire to change him or her. Who they are is perfectly fine with you. Everything is okay for you. His/Her attitude, the way he/she wear or choose his/her clothes, the way he/she speak, etc. You do not like him/her to change, because that is what you want in the first place. You pass no condition on whether you will love them or not. It is call the unconditional love. When your love is conditional, the moment they step outside your set of conditions, love evaporates. Love is appreciating Appreciation is one-step beyond acceptance. It

Listening For Love

There are times when we are timid and shy about expressing the love we feel, for fear of embarrassing the other person or ourselves, we hesitate to say the actual words “I love you.” So we try to communicate the idea in other words. We say, “take care” or “Don’t drive too fast” or maybe “be good”. However, really, there are just other ways of saying “I love you”. As you are important to me, I care what happens to you, I do not want you to get hurt. We are sometimes very strange people. The only thing we want to say, and the one thing we should say, is the thing we do not say. Yet, because the feeling is so real, and the need to say it is so strong, we are drive to use other words and signs to say what we really mean. In addition, many times, the meaning never be communicated at all, and the other person is left feeling unloved and unwanted. Therefore, we have to listen for love in the words that people are saying to us. Sometimes the explicit words are necessary, but more often. The m

Lost Love

You never realize how much you love someone until they’re gone. You never realize that… yes… once their love surrounded you, but now… what do you have? Memories… Why does love hurt so much, when it’s supposed to be such a good thing? Why do we dwell on the past, when the future is what matters? It’s something that…yeah… I guess it can’t helped, but maybe it’s harder for you than it is for someone else. Faint smells of cologne, a song on the radio, movie, single word, etc these things can bring back those memories. But, you can’t hide from these things because they’re there and no matter how hard you try to, they’ll always be there. Even when you have moved on to the future, and those things don’t trigger the memories as much as before, they still do. You can’t forget someone that you’ve loved. You may want to, but you can’t. Love cannot be forgotten no matter how hard we try, and how much we think it’ll ease the pain. It will always be there, forever. There are people who co

Love and Infatuation

It feels good when we are in-love. Everyone falls in love. However, others feel infatuated only and they think that they are in-love.  Infatuation and Love, both, typically begin with attraction.  They both give the feeling of excitement and happiness.  They both leave you desiring more.  Everyone is looking for love, but we do not know what love we all want and need? What does real love look like? How will we know when we have found it? Some think of “being in love” as an unexplainable feeling that we “fall in and out of”. Love often means different things to different people. Depending on who is doing the talking? Love can mean a feeling that may not last; a euphemism for a sexual relationship; self-sacrificing action on behalf of others; acceptance without criticism; being more honest than nice; having someone to talk with; etc… There are some feelings we have when we are infatuated and we do not feel it when we are in love. If you are infatuated you feel insecure, you

What will you do when there is an earthquake?

An earthquake is a sudden, fast shaking of the earth. Earthquakes can strike without warning causing fires, landslides and explosions. Earthquakes happen when rock that is below the earth's surface breaks and shifts. Safety Message for Kids If you are indoors during an earthquake, drop, cover and hold on. Take cover under a sturdy table, desk or bench... hold on to one of the legs and cover your eyes. If there are no tables nearby, sit down against a wall. Pick a safe place where objects such as wall hangings will not fall on you. Stay away from windows, bookcases and tall, heavy furniture. Stay in your safety spot until the shaking stops. Check to see if you are injured and move carefully to avoid tripping over objects that may have fallen. Watch out for smaller earthquakes called aftershocks. Look out for fires. Earthquakes often cause fire alarms and fire sprinklers to go off. If you have to leave the building, use the stairs and not the elevator. If you are outside in

What will you do when there is a winter storms?

Winter storms derive their energy from the clash of two air masses of different temperatures and moisture levels. Winter storms usually form when an air mass of cold, dry, Canadian air moves south and interacts with a warm, moist air mass moving north from the Gulf of Mexico. The point where these two air masses meet is called a front. If cold air advances and pushes away the warm air, it forms a cold front. When warm air advances, it rides up over the denser, cold air mass to form a warm front. If neither air mass advances, it forms a stationary front. Safety Messages for Kids The best way to stay safe in a snow-storm is to stay inside Dress in many layers if you go outside to play after a snow-storm. Wear hats and mittens and come inside often for warm-up breaks. If you start to shiver or get very tired... or if your nose, fingers, toes or ear lobes start to feel numb or turn really pale... come inside right away and tell an adult. Action Steps for Adults Make sure kid

What will you do when there is Flooding?

A flood happens when too much rain falls. A flood is a a great flowing or overflowing of water onto land that is not usually submerged. A flood happens when too much rain, brought by storms and strong winds, falls and cannot be absorbed by the soil. Rivers burst their banks and the water spills onto the land. Strong winds blowing across the sea make huge waves that surge onto the land and flood coastal areas. Safety Messages for kids If you come upon flood waters, stop. Turn around and go another way. Climb to higher ground if possible. Stay away from flooded areas... even if it seems safe, the water may be rising. Never walk, swim or dive into the water because it may be moving very fast. If you area in a car, get out immediately and move to higher ground Never play around high water, storm drains, ditches, or ravines. Action Steps for Adults Know the terms used on radio or television that warn of potential flooding conditions. Flood/Flash Flood Watch : Flooding or f

What will you do if there is a Tornado?

A tornado appears as a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud, striking the ground with whirling winds of up to 200 miles or 400 km per hour. A tornado spins like a top and may sound like an airplane or train. They can destroy large buildings, uproot trees and hurl vehicles hundreds of yards. They can also drive straw into trees. How do tornadoes form?  Most tornadoes form from thunderstorms. You need warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and cool, dry air from Canada. When these two air masses meet, they create instability in the atmosphere. A change in wind direction and an increase in wind speed with increasing height creates an invisible, horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere. Rising air within the updraft tilts the rotating air from horizontal to vertical. An area of rotation, 2-6 miles wide, now extends through much of the storm. Most strong and violent tornadoes form within this area of strong rotation. Tornado Tips BEFORE A TORNADO: Have a disaster plan. Make su

Pet Emergency Kit

Tips: If you have to leave home, take your pet with you. While pets cannot stay at the Emergency Shelter, the City sets up an emergency shelter just for animals. If your pet is left behind, tell the Rescuers that you left your pets. They will arrange to retrieve your pet or care for it. If you have a pet, pack the following items: Minimum three day supply of food and water Small bowls for food and water Can opener for canned food Leash, harness or muzzle Medical recors or medicine (if needed) Name tag and photos Name and phone number of vet Blanket and favorite toy Plastic bag, litter and litter scooper Carrier or cage

Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared to survive and manage emergencies or disasters is everyone's responsibility. Know the Risks Know the types of emergencies that can happen and what actions they will need to take Know where you can get information and create a list of who they will call for help. Help children recognize the warning signs for disasters. You can get this information from your local emergency planning office. Tell your children that during a disaster there are many people that can help them. Talk about how the police officer, fire fighter, teacher, doctor, neighbor or utility worker might help following a disaster.  Teach children how and when to call for help using the emergency numbers. Post emergency telephone numbers near to all phones and explain when to call each number. Family Emergency Kit Pack the following items in your emergency kit Water atleast 4 liters per person per day for three days Food atleast 3 days supply of non perishable food such as canned foo