Breast Engorgement

Breast Engorgement is when the breast is overfull with milk, the entire breast becomes firm, swollen, tender, throbbing, lumpy and uncomfortable. Usually you can experience if after two to three days of giving birth. Sometimes the swelling extends all the way to your armpit.

Engorgement is a short-lived condition that will diminish as your body adjusts to breastfeeding.


  1. Engorgement behind areola
  2. Engorgement from plugged ducts.


  1. Hot applications followed by massage of the engorged area before each feeding
  2. Support by an efficient nursing bra
  3. Use of an ice bag or hot-water bottle between treatments
  4. Increased frequency of nursing. If you are doing every 2 two hours you can change it to every 3 hours. Don't avoid feedings because of the pain. The more you nurse, the better your breasts will feel.
  5. Nursing with the baby's nose pointing toward the blocked segment, because the suction is strongest in the middle, under the baby's nose.
  6. Frequent changes of the baby's nursing position
  7. Adequate rest for the mother.
  8. Take a warm shower.
  9. Express a small bit of milk from each breast before nursing. A full breast can make latching on more difficult, causing your baby to position his mouth in the wrong place. You baby then has to work harder to get the milk, which translates to tissue pain.
  10. Drink lots of fluids to keep yourself well hydrated and to maintain milk production.


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