Baby Milestones

Having a baby is truly an amazing experience. It is a gift of love between mother and child that compares to no other. Naturally, as a  mother, you want only the best in life for your child but having a baby can be a time of anticipation, excitement and, for many new parents, uncertainty.

Here are the stages of your child and learn how they communicate with you.


Newborns usually imitate your facial expressions. Example stick out your tongue and he'll do the same. They can also  identifies their parents by smell and can pick out their mother's breast milk from that of other mothers.


Baby usually can recognize their parents voice.


Your baby can raise his head a little when lying face-down. He can also keeps his hands fisted.  When you show him some toys he can follows it with his eyes up to the midline. He can makes throaty and gurgling sounds. Some babies can make sounds such as uhhh, ohhh. Your baby also can smile at this stage.


At this stage your baby can understand that his actions impart world around him. Example, when he cries you will appear. They can also comprehends the give-and-take of conversation, "taking" back when you speak to him.

Your child can responds to your voice and laugh. Interaction with your child becomes more productive. Example, he starts gurgling sounds then you will came to look at him, he will suddenly stops when you talked to him.


The third month signifies your child's growing awareness of himself and everything else around him. By this time, a sleeping pattern is somewhat established. As you child begins to sleep more at night, he will have time to explore his surroundings and play at daytime.

Babies know how to determine your role in his life. Example, Mom feeds me and Dad's gives me bath.


You baby is able to show delight in social play. You can already anticipate his response to a particular event. He can also rolls over the bed. Uses arms to raises chest when lying face-down. He can also grasp things placed in his hands and plays with it. Your child can also follow the sound of your voice.


Your baby's curiosity will grow more as he is able to scrutinize objects using his hands.


By this time, your baby begins to distinguish his likes and dislikes. He may be able to get your attention by babbling, especially at play. They can make sound intended to express his pleasures and displeasure. Exploration of the surroundings may also involve him playing with your face and hair. Your baby also learn how to chew foods.


Your baby now recognizes many sounds and voices. Music is a wonderful tool for learning and playing. Try playing upbeat children's songs, classical music, or even your old favorites to stimulate his mind. He can bear some weight on his legs and sits with support.


Your child is now adept at transferring toys from hand to hand. Play time includes "peek-a-boo" and "close open".


Your child at this stage responds to people around him more. He may react negatively to strangers and look for comfort from you.Your baby at this stage can predict the emphasis of words and phrases in his own language. He knows that its "blanket" not "blanket", and that it's usually "I Love You" not "I Love You".


By this time, your baby maximizes play and is familiar with common nursery games. He may show some dissatisfaction when a toy is removed or taken away.


Your baby starts to explore on two legs as he learns how to cruise. Expect less quiet time as he amuses himself by banging things together. Your child helps while getting dressed by holding an arm or a foot out.


At this stage you can understand your baby well, as you baby can also figure out how other people feel. He may be curious enough to explore the environment, and yet identify their home. They can also figures out what to do with objects by watching you how to use it. Example, you stir the spoon; you shoot the ball in the basket.


Your toddler can develop theories to make sense of the world. Example, if mommy brings in flowers from the garden but not grass, she must prefer the flowers.


Your toddler can sees that others have contrasting preferences.


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