Bogus Buyer or Scammer


What is Bogus Buyer?

Bogus Buyer is usually used term of online sellers to those who wants to buy their items and tell them to reserved it on a specific time frame, then when the deadline is near the online seller can't reach them thru messengers or comment or sometimes they will just tell you they need to cancel it due to emergency reasons.

What is Scammer?

Scammer is term used of online selling for those people who already got their item but didn't pay for it. Or to those online seller who got the payment but didn't send their items to the respective customers.

Sometimes we are mad when we encounter bogus buyer or scammer during our online business. We want to bash them and post them on our timeline so that people will know that those people scams you or lie to you, in the end waste you time. But have we thought of, what will happen when I post those rants or how will it affects my business?

 Here are some tips

1. Your future clients will get scared
Think of this, if there will be a client who wants to buy to you, but suddenly she reads your rant. She might got scared because what if she made a small mistake, she thinks that you will also rant about her and post her on your timeline. So rather she will order to you she will just find another seller even though it is much higher than your price to be sure she is safe. 
2. People will think of your business as small time
Think of this, people will think your a small time online seller because you have a lot of time to post those bogus buyer. You have a lot of time to think of 1 lost sale rather than thinking of 100 sales coming to you. 
Remember don't give your clients opportunity to think anything negative about your business. Hid everything, all the struggles and hardships you experience. If you encounter a bogus buyer just move on because you wont lose anything. You still have the items on you. If you have encounter a scammer just think that GOD will give you much bigger and that money might help him/her in good ways. Think of it as a donation for the one who need and GOD made you as instrument to help that person. 


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