
Noun is the name of a person place or thing

  1. Common noun is used to name people, place or things in. GENERAL it refers to class or type of person or thing (without being specific)

    Example: girl, city, animal, house, food
  2. Proper noun is used to name a SPECIFIC (or individual) person, place Or thing. Proper noun begin with a capital letter.

    Example: John, London, Pluto, France
  3. Countable noun have singular and a plural form and can be used with a number or a/an before it. They are sometimes called Count nouns.

    Example: car, desk, cup, house, bike
  4. Uncountable noun are nouns that cannot be counted. They often refer to substances, liquids, and abstracts. These are sometimes called mass nouns.

    Examples: wood, milk, air, happiness
  5. Concrete nouns refer to people or things that exist physically and that at least one of the senses can detect.

    Examples: dog, tree, apple, moon, socks
  6. Abstract noun have no physical existence. They refer to ideas, emotions and concepfs you cannot see touch, hear, smell, or taste.

    Example. Love, time. Fear, freedom
  7. Compound noun are two or more words that create a noun. They can be written as One word, joined by a typhen or written as separate words.

    example: rainfall, son-in-las, credit card
  8. Collective noun refers to a set or group of people , animals or things. They are often followed by of + plural noun (e.g bunch of flowers)

    examples: team, pile, stock, flock, bunch


  1. Singular means one. It refers to one person, place, or things.

    For Example: Mother, Doctor, Supermarket, School, Pencil, Basketball
  2. Plural means two or more than two. It refers to more than one person, place, or things.

    For Example: Mothers, Doctors, Supermarkets, Schools, Pencils, Basketballs


    1. Add s to form the plural of most nouns
      girl --> girls
      apple --> apples
    2. Add es to nouns that end in ch, sh, s, x, or z
      bench --> benches
      dish --> dishes
      bus --> buses
      box --> boxes
      quiz --> quizzes
    3. For nouns that end in y with a consonant before y change the y to i and add es
      candy --> candies
      puppy --> puppies
    4. For nouns that end in y with a vowel before the y, just add s
      toy --> toys
      monkey --> monkeys
    5. For noun that end in f or fe, drop the f or fe and add ves
      loaf --> loaves
      knife --> knives
    6. For nouns that end with a consonant before an o add es
      potato --> potatoes
      tomato --> tomatoes
    7. Some nouns, change the spelling of the singular noun
      child --> children
      mouse --> mice
    8. Some nouns, use the same singular and plural form
      fish --> fish
      deer --> deer


Circle the correct concrete noun(s) in each sentence
  1. The cat is purring. 
  2. The boy kicked the ball. 
  3. Sam plays with his friend Ben.
  4. The bus stops at the red light. 
  5. We saw tigers at the zoo. 
  6. These flowers are beautiful. 
  7. Dad drives us carefully in the car.
  8. Who likes bananas?
  9. Luke brought cake to the party. 
  10. The rabbit skipped across the road.


Circle the correct abstract noun(s) in each sentence.
  1. We need to think about the importance of friendship. 
  2. You can see the love this father has for his son.
  3. Bradley looked at the chocolate cake with greed in his eyes. 
  4. After Thanksgiving dinner everyone patted their full stomachs with satisfaction.
  5. Here eyes were full of hope as she opened her report card. 
  6. We would like to see justice served.
  7. My childhood memories are a source of great joy for me.
  8. Would it not be great to have financial freedom to travel the world?  
  9. His many years of teaching experience has given him the ability to understand his students.
  10. The daughter's acceptance of her mother's advice helped her make her decision.


Circle the common nouns n the sentences.
  1. We like to go to the zoo. 
  2. That flower is really pretty color. 
  3. My dog loves to go for a walk. 
  4. Plants need water to grow. 
  5. My cat likes to sleep all day.


Circle the proper nouns in the sentences.
  1. We live in Australia. 
  2. My sister Pippa likes to eat cake. 
  3. Grandpa Joe is coming for dinner tonight. 
  4. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. 
  5. We went to Main Street to see the fireworks display.


Write C (common noun) or P (proper noun) depending on whether the underlined noun is a common or proper noun.
  1. _____ Jack borrowed his bike.
  2. _____ He lives in the forest
  3. _____ He adopted a cat from the shelter. 
  4. _____ Lily was leaning over the counter.
  5. _____ He wants to go to Paris
  6. _____ The jar crashed on to the ground. 
  7. _____ Ted bought an apple.
  8. _____ He lives near the lake
  9. _____ She put her things in a basket
  10. _____ Her birthday is February.
  11. _____ He has always wanted his own computer
  12. _____ She didn't know the name of the animal
  13. _____ Russia is the largest country in the world.
  14. _____ The New York Yankees are a baseball team. 
  15. _____ Most people watch television.


Identify the correct countable or uncountable nouns.
  1. When we moved, we packed up all our (furnitures, furniture). 
  2. They have two (dogs, dog) in their home.
  3. Did you hear the terrible (thunders, thunder) last night? 
  4. I've had so much (coffees, coffee) today!
  5. I do not like when women wear a lot of (makeups, makeup). 
  6. We built a fort between the two (trees, tree). 
  7. My group came up with a lot of great (ideas, idea)
  8. We had to load our (luggages, luggage) into the van this morning. 
  9. All of the (girls, girl) in my class were invited to the party.
  10. Thank you for giving me so much (informations, information). 
  11. We always put all of our (book, books) away before starting the test.
  12. I have more (homework, homeworks) this year than last year. 
  13. Jared and I watch (football, footballs) together every Sunday.
  14. My mom gave us some (money, moneys) for the rides. 
  15. We hauled many (log, logs) to the pit so we could start a fire.


Underline the collective noun in each sentence.
  1. She shuffled the deck of cards. 
  2. A pack of wolves circled the buffalo. 
  3. I went to lunch with the third grade class.
  4. A pride of lions chased a herd of zebras. 
  5. The dogs gathered the flock of sheep. 
  6. We bought our mother a bouquet of roses.
  7. The crowd cheered the team. 
  8. The audience clapped for the cast of the play.


Put two words together to make compound words.

  1.  black + bird = __________ 
  2. cat + fish =       __________
  3. house + fly =    __________
  4. lady + bug =     __________
  5. rattle + snake = __________
  6. sea + horse =    __________
  7. silk + worm =   __________
  8. sword + fish =   __________
  9. wild + cat =       __________
  10. wood + chuck = __________


Convert each singular noun to plural, each plural noun to singular.

  1. power 
  2. dragon 
  3. file 
  4. charm 
  5. whiteboard 
  6. wish 
  7. empty 
  8. fax 
  9. daisy 
  10. disc
  11. phone 
  12. spy 
  13. key 
  14. enemy 
  15. reality 
  16. critic 
  17. backpack 
  18. fox 
  19. apostrophe 
  20. beach
  21. staple 
  22. trench 
  23. penny 
  24. company 
  25. dinner 
  26. gallery 
  27. girl 
  28. sky 
  29. gas 
  30. library 
  31. atrocity 
  32. keyboard 
  33. party 
  34. club 
  35. lunch 
  36. match 
  37. bush 
  38. branch
  39. cat
  40. baby
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 


Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line, tell whether the noun is singular or plural

  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  • ____________________ 
  1. The squirrel is running fast. 
  2. Three of the plates are round. 
  3. My grandmother is very kind. 
  4. They gave her a nice gift 
  5. Answer the telephone, please. 
  6. My crayons are broken. 
  7. Have you seen my keys? 
  8. That map is old. 
  9. It flew in the sky. 
  10. The store will open tomorrow. 
  11. There are ten fish. 
  12. That lady drives too fast.
Answer key:

Activity I.
  1. The cat is purring. 
  2. The boy kicked the ball
  3. Sam plays with his friend Ben.
  4. The bus stops at the red light
  5. We saw tigers at the zoo
  6. These flowers are beautiful. 
  7. Dad drives us carefully in the car.
  8. Who likes bananas?
  9. Luke brought cake to the party
  10. The rabbit skipped across the road.
Activity II.
  1. We need to think about the importance of friendship
  2. You can see the love this father has for his son.
  3. Bradley looked at the chocolate cake with greed in his eyes. 
  4. After Thanksgiving dinner everyone patted their full stomachs with satisfaction.
  5. Here eyes were full of hope as she opened her report card. 
  6. We would like to see justice served.
  7. My childhood memories are a source of great joy for me.
  8. Would it not be great to have financial freedom to travel the world?  
  9. His many years of teaching experience has given him the ability to understand his students.
  10. The daughter's acceptance of her mother's advice helped her make her decision.
Activity III.
  1. We like to go to the zoo
  2. That flower is really pretty color. 
  3. My dog loves to go for a walk. 
  4. Plants need water to grow. 
  5. My cat likes to sleep all day.
Activity IV.
  1. We live in Australia
  2. My sister Pippa likes to eat cake. 
  3. Grandpa Joe is coming for dinner tonight. 
  4. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. 
  5. We went to Main Street to see the fireworks display.
Activity V.
  1. __P__ Jack borrowed his bike.
  2. __C__ He lives in the forest
  3. __C__ He adopted a cat from the shelter. 
  4. __P__ Lily was leaning over the counter.
  5. __P__ He wants to go to Paris
  6. __C__ The jar crashed on to the ground. 
  7. __P__ Ted bought an apple.
  8. __C__ He lives near the lake
  9. __C__ She put her things in a basket
  10. __P__ Her birthday is February.
  11. __C__ He has always wanted his own computer
  12. __C__ She didn't know the name of the animal
  13. __P__ Russia is the largest country in the world.
  14. __P__ The New York Yankees are a baseball team. 
  15. __C__ Most people watch television.
Activity VI.
  1. When we moved, we packed up all our (furnitures, furniture). 
  2. They have two (dogs, dog) in their home.
  3. Did you hear the terrible (thunders, thunder) last night? 
  4. I've had so much (coffees, coffee) today!
  5. I do not like when women wear a lot of (makeups, makeup). 
  6. We built a fort between the two (trees, tree). 
  7. My group came up with a lot of great (ideas, idea)
  8. We had to load our (luggages, luggage) into the van this morning. 
  9. All of the (girls, girl) in my class were invited to the party.
  10. Thank you for giving me so much (informations, information). 
  11. We always put all of our (book, books) away before starting the test.
  12. I have more (homework, homeworks) this year than last year. 
  13. Jared and I watch (football, footballs) together every Sunday.
  14. My mom gave us some (money, moneys) for the rides. 
  15. We hauled many (log, logs) to the pit so we could start a fire.
Activity VII.
  1. She shuffled the deck of cards. 
  2. A pack of wolves circled the buffalo. 
  3. I went to lunch with the third grade class.
  4. A pride of lions chased a herd of zebras. 
  5. The dogs gathered the flock of sheep. 
  6. We bought our mother a bouquet of roses.
  7. The crowd cheered the team. 
  8. The audience clapped for the cast of the play.
Activity VIII.
  1.  black + bird = blackbird 
  2. cat + fish =       catfish
  3. house + fly =    housefly
  4. lady + bug =     ladybug
  5. rattle + snake = rattlesnake
  6. sea + horse =    seahorse
  7. silk + worm =   silkworm
  8. sword + fish =   swordfish
  9. wild + cat =       wildcat
  10. wood + chuck = woodchuck
Activity IX.
  1. power 
  2. dragon 
  3. file 
  4. charm 
  5. whiteboard 
  6. wish 
  7. empty 
  8. fax 
  9. daisy 
  10. disc
  11. phone 
  12. spy 
  13. key 
  14. enemy 
  15. reality 
  16. critic 
  17. backpack 
  18. fox 
  19. apostrophe 
  20. beach
  21. staple 
  22. trench 
  23. penny 
  24. company 
  25. dinner 
  26. gallery 
  27. girl 
  28. sky 
  29. gas 
  30. library 
  31. atrocity 
  32. keyboard 
  33. party 
  34. club 
  35. lunch 
  36. match 
  37. bush 
  38. branch
  39. cat
  40. baby
  • ________powers______ 
  • ________dragons_____ 
  • ________files_________ 
  • ________charms______ 
  • ________whiteboards__
  • ________wishes_______ 
  • ________ empties_____ 
  • ________ faxes_______ 
  • ________ daisies______ 
  • ________ discs_______
  • ________phones______
  • ________ spies________ 
  • ________ keys________ 
  • _________ enemies____
  • ________ realities ____
  • ________critics_______
  • ________ backpacks __ 
  • ________foxes________ 
  • ________ apostrophes
  • ________beaches_____ 
  • ________ staples_____ 
  • ________ trenches____ 
  • ________ pennies_____
  • ________ companies__ 
  • ________ dinners_____ 
  • ________ galleries____ 
  • ________ girls_______ 
  • _________ skies______ 
  • ________ gasses______ 
  • ________ libraries____ 
  • ________ atrocities___ 
  • ________ keyboards__ 
  • ________ parties_____ 
  • ________ clubs______ 
  • ________ lunches_____
  • ________ matches____ 
  • ________ bushes______ 
  • _________ branches___
  • _________ cat________
  • _________ babies_____ 
Activity X
  • _____Singular_______ 
  • _____Plural_________ 
  • _____Singular_______ 
  • _____Singular_______ 
  • _____Singular_______ 
  • _____Plural_________ 
  • _____Plural_________ 
  • _____Singular_______ 
  • _____Singular_______ 
  • _____Singular_______ 
  • _____Plural_________ 
  • _____Singular_______ 
  1. The squirrel is running fast. 
  2. Three of the plates are round. 
  3. My grandmother is very kind. 
  4. They gave her a nice gift 
  5. Answer the telephone, please. 
  6. My crayons are broken. 
  7. Have you seen my keys
  8. That map is old. 
  9. It flew in the sky
  10. The store will open tomorrow. 
  11. There are ten fish
  12. That lady drives too fast.


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