Why is your baby crying?

All babies cry this is perfectly normal. It's how they communicate. Babies can't tell us what they want, so they cry to attract your attention. A crying baby can be exhausting and stressful. Especially when your baby cries at night. The last thing you should do is lose your temper. Shouting at or getting rough with a baby won't stop him to cry it will only make it worse. However tired or desperate you feel, never shake your baby. Shaking a baby won't help matter and is very dangerous.


  1. Hungry. Sometimes baby cry because they are hungry. Learning to recognize the signs of hunger will help you start your baby's feedings before the crying stage. Some signs to watch is fussing, smacking of lips, rooting, and putting their hands to their mouth. You can also try putting your finger in front of his lips and see if your baby starts to suck. If yes, your baby is hungry or might still be hungry. Babies need much more frequent feeds than an adult and it's easy for time to pass.
  2. Tired. Babies need to sleep a lot. Being awake with in 2 hours makes your baby tired and sleepy. Usually babies don't know how to relax and how to go to sleep by themselves. It's important to learn to recognize when your baby is sleepy so that he won't get over-tired. You can look for signs like yawning, rubbing eyes or ears, or trying to snuggle into you. You can also hold your baby close, gently rocking and swaying, talking and singing to your baby can help them relax.
  3. Frustrated. Your baby usually being frustrated on a lot of things. For example from not being able to reach a toy or your baby is being tired in one position for a long time.
  4. Wet Diaper or Clothes. If baby drinks a lot of milk, expect him to pee more often. So I suggest to check every 20 minutes if his diapers are wet.
  5. Bored. If your baby is bored you can give him a lot of toys. Like for example a activity gym for infants,  baby rattles or dangle. you can give your baby a walk outside or at the park. Find things to look at together or listen to.
  6. Too Warm or Too Cold. Sometimes baby cries because his bath is too warm or too cold. It can also be too hot in his room and he feels uncomfortable.
  7. Ill. Crying can be a sign of illness. You might want to check for his skin if he had skin rashes or better is to take his temperature.It can be also a tummy troubles associated with gas or colic can lead to lots of crying. If your baby often fusses and cries right after being fed, he may be feeling some sort of tummy pain. If you suspect gas, try something simple to eliminate it such as putting your baby on his back, holding his feet, and moving his legs in a gentle bicycling motion. If your baby's crying seems different from usual, or if you notice anything else unusual about the way your baby looks or behaves, don't hesitate to contact your doctor.
  8. Attention. There's always the possibility that your baby cries just for attention. If you find that your baby cries frequently and stops the moment you appear, consider the possibility that your little one is just doing it for the attention. They like to see their parents' faces, hear their voices, and listen to their heartbeats, and can even detect their unique smell.
  9. Teething. Teething can be painful as each new tooth pushes through tender young gums. Some babies suffer more than others, but all are likely to be fussy and tearful at some point along the way. You can try feeling hi gums with your finger. You may be surprised to discover the hard nub of a baby tooth on its way in. Usually first tooth breaks through between 4 and 7 months, but it can happen earlier or later.
If you feel you can't handle your baby anymore, don't forget you can always ask for help. Ask for help from friends and family, and also talk with your pediatrician for some advice. Never feel ashamed to talk about it.


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