What is Love?

What is love? What are its attributes? Where is love? How do we find it? The truth is, love cannot be contained in mere words. It is hunger to be suffered, a gift to be shared, a pleasure to indulge in, and a miracle to believe in. love is a mystery but, we shall attempt to define it anyway.


The quality of love is never strained. It is given freely from the heart. The most sublime love is the unconditional kind, the one that is voluntarily given and expects no payment back. Love is free and has no price in it. It flows generously and can never be forced. If you can buy it, then it is not true love. But true love is rarely found. As Francois Duc de La Rouchetou could says, "True Love is like a ghost, which everyone talks about but few have seen".


Love  is giving something of yourself. When you give to someone, you inevitably affect his destiny. A little act of kindness or even an encouraging word can perform the miracles in life of someone who needs it at that very moment.

To receive love, you must first give it away. When you keep or hold it, you will lose it. The more you give love, the more you have! And love is giving in, letting go, and setting free. To say that you let your loved one go and he comes back, then he really belongs to you. When you let your love be, you give him an ultimate space.


Love is sharing your life with someone. It can be sharing of blessings and abundance, as well as sharing of hurts, disappointments and even sorrow. Loving means being there to lead a helping hand when life's rough winds threaten your love one's heart. Real love happens when two people's boat become one as they sail through the roughest seas of life.


We need to be loved because we all want to be adored and praised. Love provides sanctuary where even in our most undesirable and detestable state, someone who will still be there to forgive, accept and love us for what we are. As they say "Love is blind". Loves do tend to turn a blind eye to their love one's defects and imperfection. True love is total acceptance.


 To truly love someone, you have to understand him more. Understanding paves way for acceptance and forgiveness. When you try to understand someone, you endeavor to know his very nature and the reasons why he act the way he is. In case of a woman, as what Helen Rowland write, trying to understand her is in itself understanding that the nature of the woman is best left understood.


We all need someone to love. We need someone to adore, look up to, be proud of, be useful for, and share our triumphs, trials, tribulations and even failures. But love is also selfish. We need somebody to do the same to us, to love us back, and give comfort and meaning to our lives, and most importantly, to need us.


Helping other people lessen their pain and live a better, more joyful life. Is the real proof of love. Love translated into service alleviated the needs and sufferings of others. It takes compassion and true concern to uplift the poor, comfort the sick, care for little children and heal the world trash and barbarity that man has caused. Man was created to serve and to be counted in this epic called love.


With love, it is so much easier to forgive someone who has done you wrong. When you look at the one you love (either on enemy or a person you hate) through the eyes of love, you will understand him more and become more lenient in acceptance. Or accepting his faults and short comings. And when you look at life with a love in your life you will be able to tolerate and comprehend it's seeming unfairness and cruelty. Love provides man both the magnanimity and humanity to accept and forgive.


Love is powerful. With it, everything is possible. Love has inspired outstanding artistic, musical, literary and architectural masterpieces. Great poems, songs, paintings, and even the Taj Mahal were created in its celebration. Love has led to great discoveries and inventions in science, medicine and technology. Nations and kingdoms have been lost and won, all in the name of love. Furthermore, love heals the sick and nurtures the dying back to life. Love has the power to conquer all.


Love gives you the greatest high. Love gives you wings! It makes your heart sings, your body dance and your mind deliriously intoxicated in ecstasy. All of the sudden, you noticed how blue the sky is, how fragrant the flowers are. How bright the moon and the stars are and how beautiful the world is. And because love brings about this wonderful euphoria, it makes anyone who is in love shine with noticeably radiant glow. That is why people who are in love looks beautiful.


Ask anyone who has fallen in love and they will say the same basic things. Love is crazy but wonderful! You lose your rationality and your touch with reality. But there is no feeling, more stupendous, uplifting and quite as marvelous.

Why people use the term "fall in love"? When you are really in love, you don't fall, you soar. The reason why wise men never fall in love is that they know sooner or later, everyone will "fall" from love's initial euphoria. But that's okay. Being in love is will wrath the fall.


 God is love and love is life! We need to become a particle of pure love to fully participate in the glorious mystery of life in a universe powered by love. But during these times of trouble and confusion. We should look at reality and realize that we need love in order to save the world. As W.H. Audens warns, "we must love one another or die".


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